Gallery of banjos
For the past 35 years I´ve taken several thousands of photographs of banjos and banjo related items and thought it would be nice to share them with you. Most of my collection and what you can see displayed on my homepage is sold but I still have a couple of hundred instruments left and also I have good connections and instincts when it comes to locating rarities. I hope you enjoy looking at these fine instruments and the details of the artwork put to them. I will continue adding photographs of interesting items for display at times.
Bacon & Day Stewart
Epiphone Stromberg
Este Trujo
Gibson Vega
Iucci Washburn
Leedy Weymann
Ludwig English banjos
Majestic French banjos
Orpheum German banjos
Paramount Scandinavian Banjos (Levin, Petersen, Poulsen)
Philharmonic Early banjos
Slingerland / May Bell Various